Saturday, December 22, 2012

You are not alone in your travails

This is in response to the article, ‘You hug a large heart, we see a bad disease’ by Dr. Tiny Nair (Open Page, The Hindu, December 9, 2012)

Thank you doctor for not being our kind,

As every day and night as you do your bit.

To save a life with a good and trained mind;

Not having time to spend with a family back home to knit.

Turn around and look around, the world is not alone,

Every day and every night, the people do their bit;

A soldier protects the border with his life,

A plumper climbs a wall to mend a pipe to make it fit,

A labour jumps in sewage to remove a clog, and risks his life

A sailor sails with waves for months alone.

In a society everyone must do their bit

As none can be the master of all.

They risk their life and you save them,

You are so special to humanity.

Teach your son that you knit our lives,

When he asks you in anxiety.

Tell your wife we thank them with all our lives

Thank you, doctor for not being our kind;

Without you society can’t be built by them.

(The writer’s email: puthangopinathan

More In: Open Page | Opinion

via The Hindu Newspaper

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